How to Stop Match Fixings?
Launch an online game for people to come and bet on their favourite teams.
And we bring to you UNFIX. The currency in this game is FIXINGS, and you do it all to reduce match fixings. J (Did not someone say, life is full of ironies?)
From Draupadi to Raj Kundra; Betting, both legal and illegal, both what’s yours and what’s not, both making rich and making poor, has always had a special place in the Indian culture. When the scandal around #MatchFixing, #SpotFixing, Raj Kundra, Sreesanth, Vindoo, etc broke, we at OMLogic were heartbroken.
It hit two things that we loved the most; Cricket and Betting. J And, we all knew cricket would never be the same again.
Jokes aside, what do you do to stop Fixings? Will it go on to ruin the game we all love so much? Can we ever trust a match result? What about the billion dollar industry that runs within? What about the interest of Bollywood, politicians, industrialists and all important people?
While we were pondering, we started wondering what the real problem is… Hours spent and with some of us losers even thinking overnight, we finally came to a conclusion saying betting is not the problem; the problem is that the nature of betting in this country is illegal. If you want to stop it, just make it legal. Simple!
And that’s when we conceptualized UNFIX, a cool game which provides people a platform to experience what legalized betting would look like. It works on points, not money (at least not till its legalized) J
If you love the game of cricket, or if you feel strongly about legalizing betting, or if you just like to indulge in games on Facebook, this is for you.
If none of this holds true, play it for the love of OMLogic or me or just play to show you don’t care.
You play it once and I promise you will come back for more.
And before I forget, please contact if you want to sponsor or partner in this game.