March 18, 2013

Men’s Day 2013. I want it now. Period.

I just want to receive wishes. Gifts wouldn’t hurt. I want an International Men’s Day. There, I said it. I am just envious of the attention that women seem to enjoy at virtual all these “days”. There’s Raksha Bandhan, Bhaiya Dooj, Mother’s Day and Women’s Day. Father’s Day, you said? It is me, the Man […]

February 26, 2013

Facebook & the primacy of human touch

I have been THINKING!! Thinking about all that is going on around us. I am not talking about the rape case, the murder case and other gruesome crimes we have witnessed recently. I am talking about how we as a society are rapidly becoming oblivious to our surroundings. I very strongly believe that the advent […]

December 19, 2012

Gruesome Gangrapes: A Problem… Judicial, Social or rather Mental?

Outrageous. Let’s demonstrate. Let’s destroy some public property. Let’s hang some people. Let’s ask for some heads. We can’t be okay with this. It is very normal for everyone to feel this way after the gruesome gang rape of an innocent girl in Delhi. The question is: Will all this help? Just 3 days back […]

December 17, 2012

Why would anyone shoot 20 people in Newtown?

Read the news and was SHOCKED. Newtown is less than 10 miles from where my house in the US was (I still own the place but I live in India now). When I moved from there, I was clear that I was moving to a slightly riskier place. A place where it’s easier to get […]

December 10, 2012

When Life Went Upside Down… Literally!

We always complain about unsafe road highways. Well, I experienced it yesterday. A completely intoxicated guy jumped in front of my car on NH1, in broad daylight around 2pm. In my attempt to rescue him, I lost control of my Mahindra Xylo (I got a positive and a negative review for it, but more on […]

November 20, 2012

What The Chicken!

Gold glitters and gold sells,
Diamond is rare, richer it smells!
How about chicken..?
Tawa, Kadhai, Afghani or Roasted… smells great at fair-share price and tastes even better!
But then, it’s got life and we are predators in disguise…!

Silly it may sound, this is the steaming thought that ignites many-a-controversies time and again (not to forget the recent mention that “non-vegetarians easily cheat, tell lies, they forget promises, they are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes“). Vegetarians, aka ‘Vegans’ of modern times are attributed this sudden-new ‘dev-like’ avatar of preaching and practicing simplicity by eating all that looks ‘green’ or all that’s not really capable of running away from them, to be more precise!

They spare Chicken, and that’s heavenly! While those who eat the same, considerably famous as ‘Non-vegetarians’ bear the brunt of their ‘eating choices’. They are violent because they kill and eat. They are dishonest because they cheat good fat hens by overfeeding them for healthy future stock. And, mind you, non-vegetarians are promise-breakers, they broke their long lost promise to Mother Earth of staying in peace with one and all!

While some of you may raise brows at such stupidity, I won’t flinch a second at raising this debate at international level. Will you raise a chicken, or even feed one, had it not been for its growing demand?

To start from the grass root, just try planting a single edible root on icy-cold regions anywhere in the world. Or if that fails to click your minds right, you might as well try working on mega-life projects somewhere near Mars or Jupiter. Because, you can’t really restrain three-fourth of the world population from staying alive… just because of your ‘Save The Chicken’ Mission. More so, when these are the people responsible for feeding, rearing and saving chicken to a large extent.

Nature created man and man made laws. Early man came earlier, and survived after to question his sense and sensibility. Had it not been for his struggling and wild instincts, probably, we would have been a rare species watched over by grinning hyenas and chipmunks at the zoos! My point being, killing just kills, it never supports. And, fighting for survival is the law of nature. Eating chicken is no violence. Eating your neighbor might be one!

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