February 16, 2014

All that is wrong with Arvind Kejriwal

I had written in December about the power of common man and had very categorically mentioned that this isn’t about Kejriwal. This was the rise of the common man. And 60 days from then, I am sad to say I was right.

Arvind-KejriwalWhen AAP came to power in Dec 2013, there was anxiousness all around. No one (including his best supporters and best detractors). Nobody knew how they will perform. Nobody knew what all they will be able to do.

It wasn’t only because this was very different that all governments we had seen before. It was partly because of their lack of governance experience. It was partly because of their reliance on other parties in formulating the government.

Lets look more deeply to see what is actually wrong (For the purposes of this I will assume that Kejriwal has the right intentions and is looking for positive changes).

The entire government machinery works through 4 pillars – elected representatives who create laws (ministers), bureaucrats who run the system using those laws (government department), police who identifies anomalies (law and order) and judiciary who reprimands the anomalies. My fundamental problem with Kejriwal is that he has convinced all of us and still maintains that all 4 in this country are corrupt. By no means am I saying this inference is wrong. But that can only work if you remain an activity forever and continue to challenge the system.Continue Reading

December 16, 2013

“Me Lord! Gay and happy…let me be!”

On 11-12-13, India witnessed a sudden upsurge in millions of criminals as the Supreme Court’s decision reversed the landmark order of Delhi High Court which had decriminalised homosexual acts in 2009.  The court declared that two citizens of the same gender expressing love in the privacy of their own homes are criminals. Before I could […]

December 11, 2013

Don’t underestimate the power of a common man!

So, we have become a democracy now. Let me put things in perspective. Indian democracy has so far been elected and influenced by people who don’t know any better. As I mentioned in my last piece, only people who voted were: Very poor – Who are always occupied in the fight to earn a basic […]

December 8, 2013

Hurray! We are finally a democracy!

Ba-adab, ba-mulayza, hoshiyar. Bells are ringing, trumpets are blowing the red carpet is rolled out. As the election results are out, television, print and online media will see heated debates and read in-depth analysis. While the winning party might celebrate and pop that champagne, the losing party will reposition its 2014 LokSabha poll strategy. Also, […]

June 21, 2013

Can you join and share?

The visuals of crumbling buildings and the cries of the helpless people was bone chilling. The fast and indeed the furious river had claimed many a lives.  I switched off the News channel but the sight of the devastation refused to leave my mind. It’s rightly said that Man is nothing in front of Mother […]

June 13, 2013

Secrets to Strategising Social Media Unplugged

It’s instant, it’s implausible, it’s impactful and it has an incredible reach. It’s the Social Media. If online marketing is the future, social media is the fuel. My passion for this intriguing resource has led me to hunt for ways to improve talent in it. As much as it is important to identify this talent, […]

June 6, 2013

How to Stop Match Fixings?

Launch an online game for people to come and bet on their favourite teams. And we bring to you UNFIX. The currency in this game is FIXINGS, and you do it all to reduce match fixings. J (Did not someone say, life is full of ironies?) From Draupadi to Raj Kundra; Betting, both legal and […]

March 18, 2013

Men’s Day 2013. I want it now. Period.

I just want to receive wishes. Gifts wouldn’t hurt. I want an International Men’s Day. There, I said it. I am just envious of the attention that women seem to enjoy at virtual all these “days”. There’s Raksha Bandhan, Bhaiya Dooj, Mother’s Day and Women’s Day. Father’s Day, you said? It is me, the Man […]

February 26, 2013

Facebook & the primacy of human touch

I have been THINKING!! Thinking about all that is going on around us. I am not talking about the rape case, the murder case and other gruesome crimes we have witnessed recently. I am talking about how we as a society are rapidly becoming oblivious to our surroundings. I very strongly believe that the advent […]

Search Cycle Team
January 11, 2013

When biking became a way of life

A guy and a gal decided to visit India from NY and Seattle respectively and wanted to go on a long cycling expedition to explore the never-seen India. Those villages, cities, towns that we miss while riding in the car. Well, Gillian Muessig, popularly known as SEOmom and the one I consider as my professional […]

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