August 14, 2016

Independence – Its not so great!

It is our 70th independence day. I can’t even imagine what the life or world was 70 years back. Of course, I wasn’t there. I can’t imagine what emergency was like, of course I wasn’t there. But I can’t even imagine what life was 20 years back though I was there. It was a different […]

October 1, 2015

My Experiments With Entrepreneurship

Elon Musk once said, “Creating a company is a very difficult thing. Starting a company is like eating glass and staring into the abyss. You have to do lots of things you don’t like. There’s no time to wallow and lick your wounds. Don’t let stress sideline you. Instead, use it as fuel to keep […]

January 7, 2015

Women Safety is NOT Women Empowerment

Reservations were necessary (absolutely necessary) for providing equitable treatment to people across the  country. But they should have been removed (atleast refined) years back. Reservations are needed, anyday, to provide equal opportunity but they can’t really assure equal treatment by mere implication.


Before we gauge further, let me tell you this blog is NOT about reservations. It is about women empowerment but the quandary remains the same. Last couple of years have been majorly about women empowerment and all the conversations about it.Continue Reading

June 6, 2013

How to Stop Match Fixings?

Launch an online game for people to come and bet on their favourite teams. And we bring to you UNFIX. The currency in this game is FIXINGS, and you do it all to reduce match fixings. J (Did not someone say, life is full of ironies?) From Draupadi to Raj Kundra; Betting, both legal and […]

December 19, 2012

Gruesome Gangrapes: A Problem… Judicial, Social or rather Mental?

Outrageous. Let’s demonstrate. Let’s destroy some public property. Let’s hang some people. Let’s ask for some heads. We can’t be okay with this. It is very normal for everyone to feel this way after the gruesome gang rape of an innocent girl in Delhi. The question is: Will all this help? Just 3 days back […]

December 17, 2012

Why would anyone shoot 20 people in Newtown?

Read the news and was SHOCKED. Newtown is less than 10 miles from where my house in the US was (I still own the place but I live in India now). When I moved from there, I was clear that I was moving to a slightly riskier place. A place where it’s easier to get […]

September 22, 2011

Another Blog.. Why? Why? Why?

I have been running a social media agency for years now, and have shied away from starting a blog of my own.. Weird, right!! Well, come to think of it, not so weird. Everybody in the social media industry seems to want to right, some prolific great writers, and others just like to hear themselves […]

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