September 1, 2021

Why is your marriage failing?

Topic for today: Relationships! In this episode, I share my learnings from the past 40 years of my life. And how I came up with the ‘Four People Theory’. But before that, let’s discuss another interesting thing- Marriage. Society was earlier built on the foundation that men would work and women would manage the house. […]

September 1, 2021

Liberalism: A modern fallacy

Today’s topic: LIBERALS We all want to be one. We all claim to be one. We are nothing, if not a liberal. Liberals are all about equality, feminism, women empowerment, LGBTQI, muslims, dalits, etc. Liberals stand for each other. They want to understand why a terrorist became a terrorist. They want to support everyone who […]

September 1, 2021

Why I don’t wear mask | masks are bad for health

The theme of 2020: To wear or not to wear ‘masks’ I don’t wear masks. I don’t like to wear masks. Infact, research backs me up! Long term consequences of wearing masks can cause heavy headache, skin & acne problems, and other diseases. Those who wear it might know how it feels like “going to […]

September 1, 2021

Why are farmers’ protests a nuisance?

When people ask me to support farmer’s protests, my answer is always… HELL NO! Because I don’t support civic protests of any kind… (smirk emoji) So who exactly should take the blame for farmers suicide? Climate change-induced risks or faulty market mechanisms or the government policies? Here’s my truth gyaan for you on the topic: […]

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